UK E3S Student Representatives

Martha Skinner (student representative United Kingdom)

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Martha is the UK representative and is working as the Sensory Science Centre Manager at the University of Nottingham. The diverse job role includes involvement in a variety of sensory panel and consumer research studies, and the day to day running of the Centre. Martha also completed her PhD in Sensory Science at the University of Nottingham, under the supervision of Prof Joanne Hort. Her research explored individual variation in oral perception across taste phenotypes and genotypes (including PROP taster status and thermal taster status)

Martha founded the E3S SESRG in 2015, and chaired the group until 2019. As a current country representative, Martha aims to continue supporting the development of this group in the future.

Stephanie Bull (deputy student representative United Kingdom)

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Stephanie is a member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) in the United Kingdom, and is undertaking a PhD at the University of Reading, with a research focus on the influence of the structure of whey protein on mouth drying. Stephanie has a background in Chemistry, and utilises Pharmacy techniques in her current research. She sees the committee as an opportunity to help bring awareness of sensory science to interdisciplinary students, and to create strong network links with students across Europe.

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