Tenure Track in Sensory and Consumer Science at Aarhus University, Denmark

The Department of Food Science, Aarhus University invites applications to a Tenure Track position in Sensory and Consumer Science to begin November 1st, 2022

Deadline for application: 22nd July 2022

The position

This tenure track position will strengthen and complement ongoing research in sensory and consumer science, in the area of human perception in food quality at the Department of Food Science. This position is focused on the human senses and their pivotal role in multisensory future food design, linked to sustainable high quality food and beverage applications.

The position is aligned to the Science Team ‘Food Quality Perception and Society’ (FQS) at the Department of Food Science http://food.au.dk/en/foodresearch/science-teams/food-quality-perception-society/. The Science Team has access to state of the art well-established sensory and analytical facilities, and advanced infrastructure, with a professional; trained and tested sensory panel and an ISO-approved sensory laboratory. Core to the team’s research approach is the synergy of human sensory measurements with instrumental techniques utilizing advanced facilities available in house e.g. Olfactometry, Gustometry, Virtual Reality, Biometrics, GC-MS, LC-MS and NMR. There is also potential to access complementary research infrastructure via our close collaborators in psychology, physiological and neuro-imaging fields.

The candidate
The successful candidate must have a strong research profile in sensory and consumer science, and human multisensory perception linked to studying food qualities for positive health impacts and applications.

In addition, the candidate must be able to demonstrate promise of outstanding capabilities in independent research, dissemination, and funding. A tenure track appointment requires demonstration of independent and novel research initiatives combined with successful postdoc positions including international experience as demonstrated by a significant number of international publications.

‐ A relevant PhD and a minimum of 2-3 years postdoc experience in Food Science, Sensory Science, Consumer science, Multisensory Perception, Human Nutrition or equivalent.
-Competences in sensory and consumer analysis, multisensory human perception, eating behaviour, diets and eating behavior, health and nutrition, cross-cultural perspectives and eating, and multivariate data analysis will be an advantage
– Utilizing univariate and multivariate analysis in sensory and consumer analysis linked to multidisciplinary data sets in instrumental and health contexts will also be an advantage
‐ Proven publication record in international peer-reviewed journals (minimum 10 publications)
‐ Teaching experience at MSc and PhD level
‐ Experience in international research collaboration and networking

Application procedure

Shortlisting is used. This means that after the deadline for applications – and with the assistance from the assessment committee chairman, and the assessment committee if necessary, – the head of department selects the candidates to be evaluated. The selection is made on the basis of an assessment of who of the candidates are most relevant considering the requirements of the advertisement. All applicants will be notified within 6 weeks whether or not their applications have been sent to an expert assessment committee for evaluation. The selected applicants will be informed about the composition of the committee and will receive his/her assessment. Once the recruitment process is completed a final letter of rejection is sent to the deselected applicants.

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