PhD Studentship – University of Nottingham



Division of Food Science, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham
in collaboration with SABMiller

Supervisor:  Prof. Joanne Hort, SABMiller Professor in Sensory Science

Applicants are invited for this exciting three year PhD studentship, sponsored by SABMiller Breweries and the University of Nottingham.

The sensory properties of beer are known to be key drivers for consumer liking but more recently the link between the emotional response, liking and sensory properties has been highlighted.  Increasing understanding of, and developing methods to measure the emotional response to a product’s sensory properties is at the cutting edge of sensory and consumer science. Nottingham have already shown that measuring emotional response is more discriminating than simply measuring liking.  In this project the successful applicant will investigate how a range of factors impact on emotional measures with a particular focus on ‘context’ e.g. testing in sensory booths versus at home or in a bar. Working on this novel and fundamental area of sensory science in collaboration with a global industrial partner provides additional opportunities for considering the application of the successful applicant’s research.

Applicants must have (or be about to complete) at least a BSc (Hons) 2:1 first degree, or equivalent, in Food Science, Psychology or a related subject, and show a keen interest in sensory perception. The project will require a student who is highly motivated and can work independently and as part of a team.  Good time management and organizational skills are also vital.  Excellent English language, both written and oral skills are essential, especially as the student will be working with human volunteers.


The scholarship is open to UK and EU students only and covers all fees and a stipend starting at £14K per annum.


Candidates should send a covering letter, detailed CV, including university grades/predicted grades, together with the names and contact details of two referees to by Jan 31st 2016.


Start Date: May/June 2016


For further information contact


Posted 9/12/15

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